Sharing of common sense and wisdom…

Singapore Tourism Board Deleted Video (Full Origi…:

Observed & Commented by:  Roadside Busybody

Watch the above promotional video clip by the Singapore Tourism Board and you will think that it’s produced by a group of tourism school students on their final project.

One may think that the Tourism Board has run out of budget for their marketing drives.

On the other hand, in the marketing arena it is not necessary that big budget promotional campaigns will surely rip the intended benefits. Sometimes, the more you spend the more you waste. It is all about what makes your target group (s) thick? If this tourism video clip makes sense to the Philippines market, it makes sense! Though it may lack elegance.

Below is the news report extracts:


In fact, some people may ask the following two questions,

1.  Do you think that the Key Slogan of “YourSingapore” (not mine?) has any real meaning other than just punching the air?

2.  Without the STB (Singapore Tourism Board) in existence, and save up probably hundreds of millions a year, is there any big impact on Singapore’s tourism industry? (On rather fixed regional markets).

To be frank, nobody can produce a satisfactory answer to the #2 question above…
Because there’s a need for an agency to take on leadership role in promoting Singapore and expending its brand influence in a highly competitive environment.
But for the first question, since day one of that “yours” campaign been rolled out, people on the professional field had already voiced about its lack of recognizable elements and focus.

What remains more critical is, STB should formulate a highly cohesive blueprint instead of fragmented marketing campaigns (that pieced together) to lead Singapore into the next lap of “integrated tourism” effort, at the watershed of IR casinos pulling power starts to cool off. In the next stage, more Asian countries are having newer and more attractive casino big resorts and new tourism attractions.

The saying goes, “When the going gets tough, the toughest get going.” So don’t give up on STB just yet. We can envisage that STB will soon to come up with well strategized master-plan for the next lap.

Comments on: "Just Imagine That Singapore’s Tourism Industry Goes Without Singapore Tourism Board" (1)

  1. “Imagining”, not “imaging”.
    You’re welcome.

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