Sharing of common sense and wisdom…

Archive for June, 2012

A Real-life Singaporean Hero – Vincent TOH

by:  Media Extracts (ST)

This is a case of a Real-life Hero… who is willing to trade his own safety for the tour members under his charge.  It is no doubt that his strong faith has overcome his fear.

TOH volunteered himself to follow the armed men in order to save his tour group from the ordeal. So the 20 members of the tour group could continue their journey to Cairo unharmed.


Singaporean tour leader Vincent TOH released by Sinai kidnappers

Tour leader Vincent Toh, leading 20 Singaporean tourists in Egypt’s Sinai peninsula, was kidnapped by armed men on Friday.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA) said in a statement on Saturday that Mr Toh has since been released and is unharmed. Its spokesman added that Singaporeans are advised to avoid any overland travel to and in the Sinai area, in view of the current situation in the region.
The tourists were travelling overland from Sinai to Cairo when they and Mr Toh were intercepted by a group of armed men.

The armed men abducted Mr Toh but did not harm him, after 8 hours of under captive TOH was released and arrived safely in Cairo. The Egyptian authorities succeeded in securing the release of Mr Toh several hours later.

IS Philosophy Dead? Maybe Not

By: Extracts of New York Times article

The Answer Is, About To Die Because of Too Many “Moronic” Philosophers Around… !

This is a rather well argued stand-point by author of this article in New York Times.

Going forward, the development of science needs more understanding about Nature, not philosophy arguments.
More and more scientific encounters cannot be explained by paradoxical arguments from philosophy.
The studies of philosophy only end up producing more Moronic philosophers who confuse our society more than providing enlightenment.

That makes me recall my mainland Chinese friend’s son Yan Kong, who studies philosophy…
Yan is an educated big idiot who carries no responsibility in life. He spends his grandparent’s saving. Yet he was advised to leave by the university he studied philosophy.
Now Yan has committed to his own crusade going round pretending to be an established philosopher – Moronic Philosopher! Such philosophers argue on everything under the sun. Their satisfaction comes from Argument Process. They argue and argue… Never get tired of the process. It is easy somehow, to notice one of them near you; the one who always give you his weird smiles is the Moronic philosopher in town. Some, will also sing along whistle when they disagree with your logical reply.

No wonder most scientists have acknowledged that philosophy is dead!
As I concerned, it is half-dead but soon it will be.
Only truly great philosophers can save the future and be the guiding torch for science. But where are they?

Two Make History – Sky’s The Limits

By: Media Extracts

Charles Promoted To The Top Rank; Liu Yang Shot To The Space

The two share the same commonality: Status.
Charles is the crown prince and Liu (1st Chinese woman astronaut) is backed by the system.

It’s a critical factor to launch oneself off to the peak of society based on systems support.
Only those who risk their life challenging Mount Everest or K2, great scholars and great scientists are true heroes.

Singaporean Climber Attacking K2

By: Media EXtracts

Singapore’s best mountain climber Khoo Swee Chiow has announced his aim to be first South East Asian atop the deadly K2 peak.

At 8116m above sea level, the K2 peak though is 732m lower than than Everest, but it is much more dangerous journey up due to a combination of factors tenders it more daunting.

A total of 77 deaths recorded for K2 accent since 1939, 11 of which took place as recent as 2008.

Khoo told his 9 years old son, “Daddy will come back alive and well”. Khoo is a fine example of one who could muster his mind and body.

Khoo will leave for Pakistan on June 22 and will spend the next two months there preparing for and climbing K2.

Cecilia SUE and Singapore Corruption Case

by:  Roadside Picker

Pictorial Stories By Media of Lion City


above:   Lion CITY narcotic chief “obtained” oral sex favours from “willing” lady senior manager of IT firm.  A total of four (4) counts of sexual favours were mentioned in the charges. 


above:   the identity of IT senior manager was exposed by media.  She claims, “I do no wrong”. 


above:   the alleged senior IT manager is away overseas to avoid the media; apparently her husband has left her… (?)

The following is gossip overheard at a coffee shop:
One guy said, “whao she’s quite pretty… but likes narcotic flavour.”
One commented, “stupid! It’s Favour and Flavour”

Singapore Narcotic Chief Charged for Corruption

By: Lion City media extracts

The former chief of drug (narcotic) buster agency has been charged in court for corruption, alleged to have accepted sexual favours from hot babe in return for IT tenders.

The senior official charged was among the high ranking (equivalent to army general rank) elites in Lion CITY. According to the press, he said that he’s done nothing wrong and not a corrupted official. That makes people thinking, then What kind of govt. official is he then?

Media also reported that his loving wife supports him and proclaims her husband as “highly professional”.

Coffee shop old folks asking

, “What kind of world is this?”

The Piper Arrangement? Yale And NUS Collaboration

by:  Interesting Media Extracts


Is there a Piper?

This is an interesting media report by the Lion CITY newspaper.

The academic collaboration between National University of Singapore (NUS) and Yale University has never been smooth in the process due to much objection from the Yale side.  Many faculty members thought that Singapore is not a good example for liberal arts studies because of its restrictive social and public policies including control of “free press”.

Now with the “exposed” back of the house arrangement as reported by media, there may be increased demands for explanation and transparency.
The case could have an interesting follow-up…

Desperation vs Aspiration

By: Roadside Picker

Why Some Fail And Some Excel

It’s easier to notice those who fight against odds and succeed than to understand why those seemingly successful are rolling downhill…

Gone the days when RIM could rally 44% of cellphone device market (in 2009) and heading for disaster with only 10% of the market share now.
They forgot about the key success factor is to stay ahead of the (technology) curve. BlackBerry now becomes RedBerry and bleeding blood.

Only Ostrich believes that Lion City’s small & medium enterprises (SME) could still shine through…. This category of entity is already a “dead-duck” in high costs pool of water. Yet the Lion CITY type of SMEs can’t achieve game-changing innovation…

TRUE aspiration: The young 18 years old fights her way through to be accepted by Harvard. Life has a very different meaning for her.

Political Indoctrination of Children IS BAD!

By: Lion City Old Folk

(South East Asia news)

Don’t Bring Children Into Party Politics

I am very shocked and surprised by the way the Lion CITY media and some university professors/analysts trying to promote party politics to children.

Those political analysts and university professors should be watchful of what they preach about this phenomenon (or simply BS) about letting children in touch with political issues at younger age would be good for them. It is not the case!

The reasons,
– Children are too naive and not ready for political indoctrination at their growing up stage. They are more useful stuff for them to learn.

– Politics are not PG (parental guidance movies). Don’t expect parents to guide their children on party politics.

– Political indoctrination is Not Sunday school subjects nor entertainment and educational program!!!

– Politics should not be made a “national sport”. The damages of widespread political indoctrination will affect the whole generation of children if not carefully managed.

Just because there’s a case of a student letting go on a minister after the forum, it does not mean that young children must now be guided on party politics! It is an over-reaction.

Politicians, professors and media please leave children out of politics.

“Zero” Is Not About Knowledge Assessment 。Productivity Myth Needs Correction

by:  Roadside Picker

Here’s interesting media reports…

(1)   (Canada). The teacher is right to give his students Zero mark for not submiting “required attainment” in their studies/courses. Required attainment is a condition with which a trainee/student must fulfill in order to be correctly assessed on his studies. Failing which, the student gets nothing (Zero) for not fulfiling the required attainment, as simple as that.  The parents who support the teacher are right to do so.


(2)   (Lion CITY, South East Asia). Productivity Myth in Lion CITY has been over-stretched. This author correctly pointed it out that, on the basis of solely using productivity as the only factor on lower-income groups wage increase might not be right.  Good article.
